Mac-Source 1994 July
Index (Text) 12⁄89
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Text File
1,543 lines
Technical Notes
Developer Technical Support
Index December 1989
%A5Init 256
%_InitObj 105
%_MethTables 93, 105
%_SelProcs 93
'030 129, 230
-elems881 229
-mc68881 146, 229
.ATP driver 224, 250
.Bout driver 102
.MPP driver 9, 224, 250
.Print driver 102
.Sony driver 102
.XPP driver 250
1.4 MB 230
1.44 MB 230
128K ROM 198, 224, 232
24-bit 212, 213
32-bit 212, 213
32-bit bus 230
32-bit clean 212
32-bit mode 205, 228
32-Bit QuickDraw 193
4 Mbit DRAMs 176
400K disk 70
68000 PDS 230
68030 PDS 230
800K disk 70
@ operator 42, 117
A/UX 212, 229
A/UX Toolbox 229
A0 228
A5 25, 136, 180, 208, 239, 256
ABPasIntf 132
ABridge 9
acceptChildDiedEvents 205
acceptSuspendResumeEvents 205
accRun 248
ACL 231
Activate Palette 211
ADB 143, 160, 206
boot process 206
cables 206
driver installation 206
microcontroller 206
references 206
service routine 206
ADB Interface 206
ADB Manager 206
ADBReInit 143
ADBS 206
AddDrive 36, 108
AddReference 2
AddResMenu 191, 198
AFP 195
Alarm Clock 85, 184
Allegro Common LISP 231
AllocContig 218
alpha version 189
alternate screen 113
alternate screen buffer 2, 126
alternate sound buffer 2, 126
ANSI 208
ANSI C 246
app4Evt 158
Apple Desktop Bus 206
Apple HD SC Setup 134
Apple menu 85, 180, 184
Apple Sound Chip 19, 230
AppleShare 114, 115, 116, 137, 165, 167, 186, 216
AppleTalk 9, 20, 118, 121, 132, 133, 142,
195, 199, 201, 224, 225, 250
AppleTalk Filing Protocol 195
AppleTalk Manager 195, 199, 201, 224, 225, 250
AppleTalk Phase 2 249, 250
AppleTalk Session Protocol 195
AppleTalk Transaction Protocol 9, 20
AppleTalk Transition Queue 250
Apple_Driver 258
applFont 191
application font 242
application palette 211
application signature 29, 48
ApplZone 2
artificial intelligence 231
ASC 19
ASCII character code 229
asexual 247
ASP 195
Assembly 200
assembly language 223
asynchronous driver 249
asynchronous serial communication 249
atDrvrVersNum 250
ATP 9, 20
ATPGetRequest 20
ATPLoad 20, 224
ATPPBPtr 199
ATPResponse 20
ATPUserData 250
automatic style substitution 198
autoTrack 196
auxiliary window list 227
BackColor 73
background 158
background process 180
BCD 189
beta version 189
bitmap 41, 117, 120, 193
BitMapRgn 193
BitMapToRegion 193
Black Lectroids 247
blessed folder 20, 67, 129
block servers 20
BNDL 210
Bo3bdar 139
boards 234
boot blocks 113, 134
boot time 247
BootDrive 77
booting 134
brain-damaged 248
break, serial 56
BufPtr 2, 81
A/UX Toolbox 229
Allegro Common LISP 231
AppleShare 137
ChangedResource 188
GetVInfo 157
HyperCard 169
LaserWriter ROMs 123
MPW 200
PrGeneral 173
SCSI Manager 258
TEScroll 22
TextEdit 82, 131
WaitNextEvent 177
bundle 40, 48, 147, 189
bus locking 221
C 164, 166, 200, 246
cable 10, 65, 144
cache 117, 261
CacheCom 81
caching 81
calcCRgns 212
CallAddr 250
canBackground 158, 180, 205, 231
card power allocation 260
cards 234
CatMove 218
disc formats 209
Foreign File Access 209
formats 209
High Sierra 209
ISO 9660 209
Primary Volume Descriptor 209
Standard Identifer Field 209
Validator 209
CD001 209
CDEF 196, 196, 212
message parameter 196
param parameter 196
cdev 215, 251
cdev messages 215
CGrafPort 120, 211, 259
ChangedResource 188
Char2Pixel 207
CharWidth 26, 82
CheckRslRecord 173
checksum 7, 258
Chooser 197
ChooserBits 250
CInfoPBRec 204
Class Info Table 239
clearDev 215
click-click mode 260
clikLoop 82
clikStuff 127
clip region 59, 72
ClipRect 59
CLOS 231
close transition 250
CloseResFile 116
CloseWD 218
clut 120
CLUT 244
CODE 220
code resources 228
CODE segment 53
code, self modifying 117
color cursor 244
color cursors 229
color dialog 231
color look-up table 120
color menu 231
color models 259
color printing 73, 120
Color QuickDraw 73, 120, 129, 163, 230, 244, 259
colorizing 163
Common LISP Object System 231
common signal 230
compact disc 209
compact disc read-only memory 209
CompactMem 51
compatibility 2, 25, 83, 103, 117, 126, 129,
155, 156, 176, 212, 227, 230, 232
HFS 44
large-screen displays 100
Standard File 47
completion routine 180
condition code register 2
configuration file 115
connector, external drive 10
control definition functions 196
Control Manager 196, 203, 212
Control Panel 134, 215, 251
Control Panel Device 215, 251
ControlHandle 197
controls 197
coprocessor 229, 235, 236
copy protection 117
CopyBits 41, 55, 163
copyDev 215
CopyMask 163
CopyPalette 211
Coral Software 231
countryCode 189
CPUFlag 2
CreateResFile 101, 214
creator 29
CTS 56
CurDirStore 80
CurrentA5 25, 136
CURS 215
cursing 244
cursor key codes 229
cursorDev 215
cutDev 215
CWindow 211
CWindowPtr 120
DashedLine 91
DashedStop 91
data cache 261
Data Fork 203
Data Initialization code not called 256
data persistence 256
data server 20
data structures 227
Datagram Delivery Protocol 9
dataHandle, in WindowRecord 79
DB-19 10
DB-25 10
DB-9 10
dBoxProc 180
DCE 71, 108, 187, 248, 250
dCtlDriver 71, 248
dCtlPosition 187
DCtlQHdr 250
dCtlRefNum 56
dead key 160
death by ROM 117
debugger 145
debugging 7, 42, 51, 151, 235
Declaration ROM 230
deferred task 221
definition procedure 227
Delay 2
dereferenced handle 232
design 227
desk accessory 5, 23, 184, 248
DeskHook 247
Desktop 194, 210, 247
updating routine 247
Desktop file 29, 48, 134, 210
limitations 210
destRect 237
development version 189
device control entry 248
device driver 56, 71, 184, 187, 258
Device Manager 197, 257
device packages 197
device server 20
device-independent printing 122, 152
dialog 184
modeless 5
dialog filter 34
dialog hook 47
dialog item 112
Dialog Manager 203, 251
dialog user item 34
DialogSelect 34
DIBadMount 70
DirCreate 218
directory ID 226
directory name 226
DirID 69, 77, 140, 238, 246
disc 209
discipline 117, 151
disk drive, foreign 28
Disk First Aid 94, 134
disk formats 230
disk initialization 70
DisposeA5World 256
DITL 251
DIZero 70
DlgCopy 215
DlgCut 215
DlgDelete 215
DlgPaste 215
DMA 221, 261
DMA burst transfer 230
dNeedTime 248
DoCaret 82
DoDraw 82
doFace 207
doToggle 207
double-sided disk 70
downloadable font 217
dQDrvSize 36
draft mode 72
DraftBits 128
DragHook 247
DRAM 176
dRamBased 71
DrawChar 26
drawCntl 196
DrawControls 203
drawing 60
on the desktop 194
drawing icons 55
drawing off screen 120
DrawPicture 21, 59
DrawString 26
DrawText 207
drive number 77
drive queue 36, 108
driver 71, 108, 221, 248
serial 56
driver name 102
drop folder 165
DrvQEl 36
DrvrInstall 108
DrvrRemove 108
dumpcode 229
EDisk driver 255
EDisks 255
Edit 84
EditText 251
ejection, premature 106
Electronic Disks 255
Elems881 146
end-of-line 127
EndFormsPrinting 91
EnumerateCatalog 68
env68030 129
envExtISOADBKbd 129
environsVersion 129
envMacII 129
envMacIIci 129
envMacIIcx 129
envMacIIx 129
envPortable 129
envPortADBKbd 129
envPortISOADBKbd 129
envSE30 129
envSelTooBig 129
envStdISOADBKbd 129
EOF 188
ERIK 126
EtherTalk 250
Event Manager 202
event mask 202
event, network 142
EventAvail 194
evil 247
exception 2
exception handling 229
exitserver 91
expansion cards 230, 254, 255
expansion interface 230
Extended 146
Extended Keyboard 206
LEDs 206
external drive 10
faceless background task 205
fake handle 117
FBsyErr 180
FCB 102
FCBSPtr 102
fctb 198
fdComment 29
fdFlags 40
FDHD 230
fdopen 246
features 227
file filter 47
File Manager 203, 204, 218, 226, 238, 246
file servers 20
FILE struct 246
file system 24, 44, 66, 67, 68, 69, 77, 81, 87, 94,
102, 106, 107, 108, 130, 140, 157, 179, 190
filename 107
filter procedure 34
filterProc 203
FindDItem 112
Finder 28, 40, 48, 114, 116, 126, 134, 147,
189, 194, 202, 205, 210
file comments 210
flags 40
launching 126
sublaunching 126
FindWord 182
flashing menu items 222
floating-point arithmetic 236
floating-point exception 235
Floppy Drive, High Density 230
fnfErr 226
FOND 191, 198, 242, 245
font 30, 92, 191
association table 198
downloadable 217
family description 198
family name 198
family number 198
fractional width 26
height table 30
resources 198
scaled 26
strategy 191
strike resource 198, 198
style attribute 198
styled 198, 198
system 191
FONT 198, 237, 245
font color table 198
font family description 198
font family description resource 198
font family ID 242, 245
font family name 198
font family number 191, 198
font family numbers 245
font icon 217
Font Manager 191, 198
font name 191, 198
Font Name Mapping Table 191
Font Registration Program 245
font-association table 198
Font/DA Mover 6, 23, 191, 198
fontForce 242
fopen 246, 246
ForeColor 73
foreground application 167
FormsPrinting 91
FPGetFileDirParms 137
FPMove 137
FPSetFileParms 137
FPU 236
FractEnable 72, 91, 92
fractional line width 91
fractional width font 26
frComment 29
FREF 217
fRefNum 246
FRESTORE 229, 235
FSAVE 229, 235
FScaleDisable 92
FSClose 102
FSOpen 102
fsread 246
fwrite 246
GCR format 230
GDevice 120
Get Info 28, 147, 189, 210
GetAppFiles 77
GetAppleTalkInfo 250
GetBridgeAddress 132
GetDCtlEntry 71
GetFNum 191
GetFontName 191
GetFontNumber 191
getFrontClicks 205
GetIcon 55
GetIndVolume 24
GetIText 18
GetLocalZones 250
GetMenu 78
GetMyZone 250
GetNewControl 203
GetNewDialog 4, 34
GetNewWindow 4
GetNextEvent 3, 5, 85, 194
GetOSEvent 85
GetPalette 211
GetResBase 6
GetResource 4, 154
GetRotn 128
GetRslData 128, 173
GetStylScrap 207
GetTrapAddress 2
GetVInfo 157
GetVol 77, 140
GetWDInfo 218
GetWMgrPort 194
GetZoneList 250
gHaveAUX 238
global variable space 223
global variables 208, 256
globals 104, 227, 256
globals in stand-alone code 256
glue 219, 229
good time 248
GrafPort 252
grapher 231
graphics device 120
GrayRgn 194
Group Coded Recording 230
grow zone function 136
gzProc 233
hand-feed paper 33
handle 155
fake 117
nil 7, 117
hard disk 134, 159
HardRockCocoJoe 246
hardware 234
hasColorQD 129, 230
hasFPU 129, 236
HashString 29
HClrRBit 2
HCreate 218
HCreateResFile 214
HD SC Setup 134
heap zone 248
heat dissipation 260
height table 30
HFS 2, 44, 66, 67, 68, 69, 77, 81, 87, 94,
101, 102, 106, 107, 108, 130, 140, 157,
179, 190, 204, 218, 238, 246
HGetState 2
High Sierra 209
high-density disks 230
HLock 2
HNoPurge 2
HOpenResFile 214
HParamBlockRec 204
HPurge 2
HSetRBit 2
HSetState 2
HUnlock 2
HwCfgFlags 212
HyperCard 168, 169, 170
'snd ' resource 168
background field limit 169
background printing 169
closeField 169
dial 169
exit to 169
file format 170
find 169
idle handler 169
MultiFinder 169
private access 169
selecting fields 169
title bar highlighting 169
visual effect 169
word wrap 169
I/O 246
IAC 180
ICN# 252
icon 55
ICON 253
icons in menus 253
ID=33 151
IEEE specification 234
image operator 73
ImageWriter 3, 33, 72, 73, 95, 128
AppleTalk 124, 125
IMMED 2, 44
in-line glue routines 208
IncludeProcSet 192
INIT 110, 247
initDev 251
InitFonts 72
initgraphics 91
InitMenus 211
initMsg 197
InitPalettes 211
InitWindows 53
inline assembly language 126
Installer 75
installing memory 176
instruction cache 261
interapplication communication 180
interface 247
international 241, 242, 243
internet 9
interprocess communication 180
interrupt 85, 206
interrupt handler 25
interrupt latency 221
interrupt priorities 257
interrupt service routine 180
interrupts 221
intersegment function call 220
intlForce 242
intrasegment function call 220
ioCompletion 130
ioDirID 77
ioFCBIndx 87
ioFDirIndex 69
ioFileType 102
ioFlFndrInfo 40
ioFlNum 77
ioFlVersNum 102
ioFVersNum 204
ioNamePtr 69, 179
ioNewDirID 226
ioNewName 226
ioPosOffset 187
ioVClpSize 204
ioVDRefNum 106
ioVDrvInfo 106
ioVFndrInfo 67
ioVFrBlk 229
ioVFrBlks 157
ioVNmAlBlks 157, 229
ioVSigWord 66
ioWDDirID 140
ioWDProcID 77, 190
IPC 180
is32BitCompatible 205
IsDialogEvent 5
ISO 9660 209
itemIcon 253
IUGetIntl 153, 242
IUStrData 178
Jane’s Heap 248
Japanese Macintosh Plus 138
jGNEFilter 85
jimmies 55
jump table 220, 239, 256
Kanji 138
KanjiTalk 138
key mapping 160
keyboard 160
keyboard driver 143
KeyTrans 160
KillAllGetReq 250
KillGZProc 233
KillNBP 199
la bomba 256
LAddAEQ 250
Lap Manager 250
large capacity media 210
large-screen displays 100
Laser Prep 152
LaserShare 133
LaserWriter 72, 91, 123, 128, 133, 152, 175,
183, 192, 198
LaserWriter driver 217
launch 126
LaunchFlags 126
layer 180
LeadingEdge flag 241
LeftSide flag 241
LGetAEQ 250
line breaks 92
line layout 91, 92
line width, fractional 91
lineHeight 237
LineLayoutOff 91
LineLayoutOn 91
link-access protocol 9
LISP 231
List Manager 203
listDefProc 203
Lo3Bytes 213
lock & eject tabs 234
lookup request 225
low-level printing 124
low-memory 2
low-memory globals 117, 212
LRmvAEQ 250
MacApp 220, 239
machine-specific signal 230
machineType 129
Maci 258
Macintosh binary 229
Macintosh IIx 230
Macintosh OS 229
Macintosh Portable 254, 255
Macintosh SE/30 230
MacPaint 3, 86, 171
MacsBug 7, 113
major switching 180
MakeA5World 256
master pointer 7, 53, 228
master pointer block 53
math coprocessor 235, 236
MaxApplZone 103
maxDevice 120
MBarHeight 117
MBDF 227
MC68030 261
MC68881/MC68882 235, 236
mChooseMsg 222
MDEF 222
MDS 103
MDS Edit 84
MemErr 7
MemError 7
memory configuration 176
memory jumper 176
Memory Management Unit 261
Memory Manager 205, 219, 228, 252
memory size resistor 176
MENU 222
menu bar definition procedure 227
menu flashing 222
Menu Manager 222, 253
menu record 222
menuItem 253
MenuList 85
MFM format 230
MFS 44, 66, 68, 102, 204
MFTempHandle 205
minor switching 180
MMU 2, 228, 261
modal dialog 34, 247
ModalDialog 34, 203
modeless dialog 34
Modified Frequency Modulation 230
monitor cable 144
monochrome display 230
moral of this story 234
MoreMasters 53
mouse 10
mouse-moved event 205
mouseDown 205
mouseRgn 205
mouseUp 205
MoveHHi 103, 111
MPNT file 86
mPopupMsg 172
MPPOpen 224
MPPPBPtr 199
MPW 103, 110, 121, 193, 200, 223, 240, 256
%_A5Init 256
%_MethTables 93, 105
%_SelProcs 93
-sg option 256
3.0 208
68881 229, 235
assembly language 200
bugs 200
C 164, 166, 200, 232
globals from assembly 104
linker 93, 110
Object Pascal 105
OS Interface Library 200
Pascal 146, 200
SANE 235
Toolbox Library 200
tools 239
version 2.0.2 200
version 3.0 200, 219
_DataInit 93
{$LOAD} 93
MS-DOS 230
mst# 205
mstr 205
MultiFinder 2, 126, 158, 177, 180, 185,
190, 194, 202, 205, 233
A5 180
Apple menu 180
background application 180
grow zone proc 233
IAC 180
IPC 180
launching 126, 180
Open document 205
Quit application 205
scrap 180
sleep 177
splash screen 180
sublaunching 126
switching 180
System 6.0 205
UnmountVol 180
WaitNextEvent 177
working directory 190
multiFinderAware 205
multiple bus masters 261
Name Binding Protocol 9, 199, 225
name binding protocol 250
narrow GrafPort 60
NBP 9, 199, 225, 250
NBPConfirm 9
nbpDuplicate 225
NBPLookUp 9, 20
NBPRegister 20
negZcbFreeErr 151
network event 142
NewHandle 7, 117
NewHandleClear 219
NewHandleSys 219
NewHandleSysClear 219
NewPtrClear 219
NewPtrSys 219
NewPtrSysClear 219
NFNT 198, 245
NGetTrapAddress 156
nil handle 117
nil pointer 117
nmFlags 184
nmMark 184
nmPrivate 184
NMRec 184
nmRefCon 184
nmReserved 184
nmResp 184
nmSIcon 184
nmSound 184
nmStr 184
nmType 184
nmTypErr 184
no component area 234
nowoman 21
nocry 21
noDraftBits 128
non-exactly-once 9
non-Macintosh systems 240
non-Roman 242
Notification Manager 184, 247
nrct -4096 197
NSetPalette 211
nsvErr 24
NuBus 221, 230, 234, 260, 261
extender board 148
NuBus expansion cards 260
NuBus power limits 260
nulls 107
nullScrap 207
numericVersion 189
NumVersion 189
Object Class 239
Object Pascal 239
object-oriented programming 220
objects 239
off-line volume 106
off-screen bitmap 41, 163
off-screen pixel map 120
old-style colors 259
onlyBackground 205
OOP 220, 239
Open 102
open transition 250
OpenDriver 249
OpenPicture 21
OpenPort 155, 194
OpenResFile 46, 46, 78, 101, 185, 214
OpenRF 74
OpenRFPerm 116, 185
OpenSocket 20
OpenWD 218
optimizing compilers 208
opWrErr 185
OSDispatch 158
OSUtils.h 208
OSUtils.p 208
out-of-sequence 9
overdrawing power 260
owned resource 6
PACK -4096 197
Paged Memory Management Unit 230
Palette Manager 211
PAP 133
paper motion 33
ParamBlockRec 204
parent directory 226
parity RAM 176
Pascal 146, 200
pasteDev 215
patching traps 227
pathname 238
Pattern 86
PBGetCatInfo 68, 69
PBGetFCBInfo 87
PBGetFileInfo 68
PBGetFInfo 24
PBGetVInfo 24, 44, 157
PBGetWDInfo 77, 190, 229
PBHGetVInfo 24, 66, 67, 77, 106, 157
PBHOpen 204
PBHSetVol 140
PBLockRange 186
PBMountVol 134
PBOpenRF 74
PBOpenWD 77, 190
PBRead 187
PBSetVInfo 204
PBUnlockRange 186
PBWrite 187
PC 228
PC Weenie 256
PCL 231
PDS 230, 254
PicComment 72, 91, 175, 181
picFrame 59
picPolyClo 91
PICT file 154, 171
picture 21, 59, 181
picture comment 72, 91, 175
application-defined 181
picVersion 21
pin-feed paper 33
pinout 10, 65, 144
PixData 171
pixel image 120
pixel map 120
Pixel2Char 207, 241
pixelmap 193
PixMap 120, 163
pixmapTooDeepErr 193
pLaunchStruct 126
PlotIcon 55
PlotSICN 252
pltt 211
PmBackColor 211
pmBootSize 258
PmForeColor 211
PMMU 230
PMSP 69, 77, 101, 214
PNTG file 86
pointer 155
nil 117
PolyBegin 91
PolyEnd 91
PolyIgnore 91
PolySmooth 91
Poor Man’s Search Path 69, 77, 101, 214
popup menu 172
PopUpMenuSelect 156
port 249
PortAUse 249
PortBUse 224, 249
PortID 250
portInUse 249
portNotCf 249
portRect 59
posCntl 196
PostScript 72, 91, 123, 152, 175, 183, 192, 217
position-independent 183
PostScriptBegin 91
PostScriptEnd 91
PostScriptFile 91
PostScriptHandle 91
potential nastiness 250
power budget 254, 260
PQ&S 230
PrCloseDoc 118
PrClosePage 72
PrCtlCall 192
PrDlgMain 95
PREC 103 192
PREC 201 192
PrError 72, 118
PrGeneral 72, 128, 173
PrIdle 118
primary volume descriptor 209
print action routine 174
print dialog 95
Print Monitor 184
PrintDefault 122
shared 125
Printer Access Protocol 133
printer driver 2, 72
printing 192
color 73, 120
device-independent 122, 152
document name 149
forms 91
low-level calls 124, 192
spool/print-a-page 125
Printing Manager 161
PrJobDialog 72, 95
PrJobInit 95
procedure pointer 42
processor direct slot 230, 254
processor ROM 255
ProcPtr 184
ProDOS 230
program counter 228
propeller-heads 256
PrOpenDoc 118
PrOpenPage 72
proprietary 68000 systems 240
protocol handler 201
PrStlDialog 72, 95
PrStlInit 95
PrValidate 72, 122, 128, 149
PSetSelfSend 250
pseudo-DMA 96
PurgeMem 51
qFlags 250
qLink 184
qType 184
queue 2
QuickDraw 21, 26, 41, 55, 59, 60, 120, 154,
163, 171, 181, 193, 198, 203, 259
color 73, 120, 129, 163
global variables 223
internal picture definition 21
text measuring 26
Radius 100
RAM 176
RAM EDisks 255
RAM expansion slot 176
RAMSDOpen 249
RAS-access time 176
raw key code 229
re-entry 248
Read 187
ReadPacket 201
ReadRest 201
real time 221
RecoverHandle 23
reduced icon 253
refNum 184
refnum 250
region 193
RegisterName 225
remapping keys 229
resChanged 111
ResEdit 40, 231
ResError 116, 185, 214
ResErrProc 78
ResLoad 50
resource 141, 228
ADBS 206
BNDL 29, 48, 147, 210
CDEF 23, 196
CLUT 244
CODE 220
CURS 215
CUST 135
DITL 23, 251
fctb 198
fgnd 167
FKEY 3, 145
FOND 191, 198, 242, 245
FONT 30, 198, 245
FREF 29, 48, 217
ICN# 29, 48, 55, 147, 252
ICON 23, 55, 253
INIT 110
insc 75
INTL 153
itl0 153
itl1 153
itl2 153, 178
itlb 153, 160
itlc 153, 178
KCHR 153, 160
KMAP 160
maximum number of 141
MDEF 23, 172, 194, 222
MENU 23, 222
mst# 205
mstr 205
NFNT 30, 198, 245
nrct 197
owned 23
PACK 197
pltt 211
PREC 192
reserved type 32
SICN 160, 252, 253
SIZE 158, 180, 205, 231
snd 168
STR 29, 48
vers 189
WDEF 23, 110, 194
XCMD 256
resource file 46
header 61
resource fork 74
resource ID 23, 203
Resource Manager 198, 203, 204, 210, 214, 232, 252
ResourcePS 91
resources, maximum number 210
response procedure 184
RestoreA5 136, 208
RestoreA5World 256
RestoreGZProc 233
result code 117
Resume event 180
retry 9
Rez 189, 197
RGBColor 120
rgnTooBigErr 193
RJ-11 10
RmveReference 2
ROM checksum 139
ROM debugger 38, 38
ROM EDisks 255
ROM expansion 255
ROM SIMM 176, 230
ROM85 117
ROMBase 100
ROMMapInsert 78
RotateBegin 91
RotateCenter 91
RotateEnd 91
router 250
rowBytes 117
rPage 33, 72
Rude Dog 256
rules 227
run-time environment 240
safe hex 231
SANE 146, 229, 235, 236
SCNoInc 96
scrapCount 180
screenBits 2, 117
script code 242
script interface system 245
Script Manager 174, 178, 182, 207,
241, 242, 243, 245
ScrnBase 117
SCSI 134, 159
connector 65
SCSI driver 258
SCSI Manager 96, 212, 258
pseudo DMA 96
SCSICmd 96
SCSIComplete 96
SCSIGet 96
SCSIRBlind 96
SCSIRead 96
SCSIStat 96
SCSIWBlind 96
SCSIWrite 96
secondary sound buffer 113
secondary video buffer 113
segment 53
Segment Loader 220
segment numbering 231
SendRequest 250
SerHShake 56
serial connector 10, 65
serial driver 56, 249
SerStatus 56
servers 20
SetA5 208
SetA5World 256
SetCtlValue 197
SetCurrentA5 208
SetDItem 34
SetEventMask 202
SetFractEnable 72
SetLineWidth 91, 175
SetMenuBar 180
SetOrigin 72
SetPalette 211
SetResAttrs 78
SetResLoad 50
SetResPurge 111
SetRsl 128
SetTrapAddress 2
SetUpA5 136
SetupA5 208
SFGetFile 47, 77, 80, 107
SFPGetFile 47, 80
SFPPutFile 47
SFPutFile 47, 80, 107, 226
SFReply 44
SFSaveDisk 80
shared bit 116
shared file 116
shared printer 125
sheet-feeder 33
shell 126
shortVersion 189
ShowControl 197
ShowINIT 247
showpage 91
SICN 252, 253
sicnList 252
signals 88
signature 29, 48
SIMM 176
Single Inline Memory Module 176
single-sided disk 70
SIZE 205, 231
size limitation 237
SIZE resource 180
Skippy 189
slot interrupt queue element 257
slot interrupts 257
Slot Manager 230
slot VBL time 221
small icons 252, 253
small icons in menus 253
smUninterp 245
socket listener 201
Software Licensing 198, 206
Sony driver 28, 70, 81
sorting, international 153
sound 19
stereo 230
Sound Driver 19
Sound Manager 19, 180, 212
SPConfig 224, 249
splash screen 180
spline 91
spool-a-page 72
spooler 133
spooling PICT 154
SQPrio 257
SRQ 206
stack handling 208
stack pointer 208
stand-alone code 239, 256
Standard File 2, 44, 47, 77, 80, 126, 204, 238
standard identifer field 209
standard string comparison 178
Start Manager 230, 258
StartSound 19
startup application 2
startup disk 134
stationery 115
StdFile 203
stereo sound 230
StillDown 194
StringBegin 91
StringEnd 91
StringWidth 26
StripAddress 213
style 207
style attribute 198
Styled Fonts 198
Styled TextEdit 207
sublaunch 126, 205
SuperDrive 230
supervisor mode 2
Suspend event 180
swapping MMU mode 228
SWIM chip 230
switching 180
major 180
minor 180
update 180
SysEdit 215
SysEnvirons 67, 103, 156, 190, 207
SysEnvRec 129
system error 33 151
system font 191, 242
system heap 81, 83, 113
SystemEdit 180, 215
SystemEvent 5, 85
SystemTask 85
SysZone 2
tags 94
tail patches 212
Talk R0 206
teCarHook 82
TEContinuousStyle 207
TECopy 207
TECustomHook 207
TECut 207
TEDelete 207
TEDispatch 207
TEDoText 82
TEDrawHook 207
TEEOLHook 207
TEHandle 207, 251
teHiHook 82
TEHitTestHook 207
TEHook 207
TEKey 207
teLength 203
TELength 237
telephone-style jack 10
Temporary Memory Allocation 205
TENumStyles 207
TERec 207, 237
TERecord 207
TEScroll 22, 131
TEScrpLength 82
teSelRect 82
TESetSelect 127
TESetStyle 131, 207
TEStylInsert 131
TEStylNew 131
TEWidthHook 207
text 207
bold 207
italic 207
plain 207
rotation 91
styled 207
TEXT file 84
TextBegin 91
TextBox 72, 207
TextCenter 91
TextEdit 22, 82, 127, 131, 156, 203, 207, 237
data structures 207
System 6.0 207
TextEnd 91
TextIsPostScript 91
TextStyle 207
TextStyle tsFace 207
TGetRslBlk 173
The Natural Order of Things 256
thePort 25
thought police 117
thumbCntl 196
Ticks 227
TID 250
Time Manager 2, 180, 180
timeout 9
timing 221
tirade 247
tMWDOErr 126
TokenTalk 250
Toolbox 227, 229
TOPS 186
TPrDlg 95
track cache 81
TrackBox 79
transaction ID validity 250
trap interface 227
trap patch 25, 212
TRel Timer 250
TView 239
txFont 242, 245
undocumented 227
undoDev 215
Unimplemented 156
Unique1ID 198
unit attention 96
unit table 71
Unix 229
unused 227
update switching 180
UpdateResFile 116, 188
upgrading memory 176
user items 34
user stack pointer 2
User-Interface Thought Police 180
userItem 203
UTableBase 250
VBL interrupts 221
VBL task 180
VCB queue 24, 44
vcbDRefNum 106
vcbDrvNum 106
verify flag indicator byte 225
verifyFlag 225
Version 189
versionRequested 129
VersRec 189
VersRecHandle 189
VersRecPtr 189
VIABase 117
video buffer 2
videocard 144
viewRect 82
viral infection 231
virtual key code 229
virtual memory 203
visRgn 194
volume 24, 106
offline 106
vRefNum 44, 77, 126, 238
WaitMouseUp 194
WaitNextEvent 158, 177, 194
warranty 176
WDCB 126
WDEF 212
wDev 72
WDProcID 126
wdRefNum 44, 77
WDRefNum 126
width table 92
Window Manager 203
windowKind 5
WMgrPort 53, 194
word-break table 182
working directory 44, 77, 126, 190
Working Directory Control Block 126
working directory ID 238
Write 187
WriteLAP 250
WriteResource 111, 188
XCMD 256
XpwrI 229
XpwrY 229
ZIP 9, 250
zone information protocol 9, 250
ZoomRect 194
ZoomWindow 79
_ADBOp 206
_ADBReInit 206
_Alert 248
_BitClr 248
_BitSet 248
_CalcMask 193
_Chain 126, 180
_Color2Index 229
_CopyBits 120, 252, 259
_CountADBs 206
_DataInit 93
_DialogSelect 251
_DragGrayRgn 193
_DragTheRgn 247
_DrawPicture 259
_EventAvail 180
_Font2Script 242
_FontScript 242
_ForeColor 259
_FSOpen 246
_FSWrite 246
_GetCPixel 229
_GetCTable 244
_GetEnvirons 243
_GetIndADB 206
_GetNextEvent 180, 205
_GetResource 228
_GetWDInfo 229
_GetWRefCon 227
_GetZone 248
_HandleZone 248
_HandToHand 227
_HideDItem 251
_HWPriv 261
_Index2Color 229
_InitGraf 223
_InitWindows 247
_InsetRgn 193
_IntlScript 242
_Launch 126, 180, 205
_LocalToGlobal 120
_MaxBlock 229
_MenuSelect 180
_MFMemTop 205
_MFTempNewHandle 205
_MFTopMem 205
_ModalDialog 248
_NewHandle 205, 233
_NewRgn 193
_NGetTrapAddress 212
_NMInstall 184
_NMRemove 184
_Open 224, 249
_OpenResFile 232
_OpenRFPerm 232
_OpenWD 126
_PackBits 86, 171
_PBCatMove 226
_PBGetCatInfo 238
_PBGetVInfo 229
_PBOpenWD 126
_PostEvent 180
_PrClose 161
_PrOpen 161
_PtInRgn 193
_PurgeSpace 229
_PutScrap 180
_RecoverHandle 232
_SelectWindow 205
_SetADBInfo 206
_SetCCursor 244
_SetEnvirons 243
_SetFPos 246
_SetGrowZone 233
_SetMenuBar 180
_SetWRefCon 227
_SetZone 248
_SFGetFile 205
_SIntInstall 221, 257
_SlotVInstall 221
_StripAddress 212, 228, 232
_SwapMMUMode 228
_SysBeep 19
_SysEdit 180
_SysEnvirons 120, 129, 184, 212, 230, 236, 249, 250
_SystemTask 248
_TEIdle 251
_TENew 227
_TickCount 227
_TrackControl 196
_TrackGoAway 247
_UnionRgn 193
_UnmountVol 180
_UnPackBits 86, 171
_WaitNextEvent 126, 180, 205
_ZeroScrap 180
{$LOAD} 93